Oleum Associates is a drilling engineering, Wellcat consultancy and recruitment business based in Aberdeen, Scotland. The company focuses on "critical" well design.
Working in the area of "critical" well design requires extensive exposure to industry problems. The company has worked on some of the industry's most critical wells, ranging from HPHT wells in the North Sea, to Deepwater wells in the Gulf of Mexico.
Working on projects where the design margin is minimal, requires knowledge of Industry best pratice. The company has undertaken research projects in HPHT well design standardisation ("HPHT Casing Design Forum") and quantatitive risk analysis ("DEA(E) 64: The Use of QRA in Casing and Tubing Design").
Access to Industry Leading Experts
Working in such a complex environment, no one person or organisation has all the answers. The company has both formal and informal working relationships with individuals and organisations which have a similar, complimetary skill set.